To better protect our patients and staff against Covid-19, we have implemented several additional safety upgrades at McCarl Dental Group of Greenbelt. We understand that many of our clients are feeling some concern about venturing back out into the world, and we want to reassure you that we are going above and beyond to make your visit safe. In this blog, you can read all about the steps we’re taking to safeguard our patients. You can feel confident that your health and safety remain our top priorities.
Alternative Waiting Room
The first thing you’ll notice is that we made changes to how our patients are greeted upon arriving for their dental appointments. When you park in our office lot, you will see signs in front of the parking spaces that direct you to call our phone number (301-474-4144) in order to make the front desk aware that you have arrived. Our front desk will then check you in and ask for the make, model, and color of your vehicle as well as provide a reminder for you to put on your mask.
Screening Questions
Once we’ve checked you in over the phone, one of our dental assistants will walk out and meet you at your vehicle where they will ask you screening questions for Covid-19 as well as check your temperature with a forehead touch-less thermometer. Once satisfactorily completing the screening process, our dental assistant will walk you into our office where they will provide you with hand sanitizer on the way to your operatory. When you’re in the operatory and sitting in the dental chair, please wait for the dental assistant to instruct you to remove your mask before doing so. After your dental treatment has finished, your dentist will then instruct you to put your mask back on before getting out of the dental chair and making your way out of the dental office.
Sanitation Measures
As you will see on your way through our dental office, we have added sneeze guards which are plexiglass protective shields at all of the counters on our front desk as well as in our consultation room. With our new patient arrival protocol, our goal is to minimize the number of patients in our waiting area. However, we have also spaced out the seating to ensure social distancing in the event that patients need to sit and wait before being taken to their operatory. We also updated our pre-rinse to one that has been shown to minimize viruses. Every patient will be instructed to pre-rinse once they are in the dental chair after they have removed their mask. Within each operatory, we have added Isodry technology that significantly reduces generated aerosol within the mouth up to 90%. Along with this new technology, our dental assistants will still be using high speed suction in order to reduce any residual aerosol.
Medical Grade Air Filtration with H13 True HEPA
We have installed Medify Medical Grade H13 Filters in all treatment rooms and the waiting room. Medify H13 units are the most powerful air purifiers on the market and have dual air intakes. They are higher rated than True HEPA with 99.97% particle removal.

Our Team Member Dedication to Safety
You will see that all of our staff will be wearing masks, and that our dental assistants and dentists will be wearing several layers of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) including:
- An N95 mask
- Level 3 surgical mask
- Facial shield
- Jacket
After each treatment, all of these layers will either be sanitized, disposed of, or washed, so all PPE used with each patient is either new or sanitized.
Welcome Back to McCarl Dental Group in Greenbelt!
We are happy to be seeing our patients again, and even happier to keeping our patients and staff safe while doing so. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have questions or want to learn more about our advanced safety protocols. See you at your next visit; we have missed you!